School Concerts and Music Activities
Paul Novotny is a Czech-Canadian guitar player, composer, educator, translator, and ethnomusicologist. He studied jazz at Humber College in Toronto and music theory and ethnomusicology at Concordia University, Université du Québec à Montréal, and Université de Montréal in Montreal, Canada. Paul has many years of experience as a performer in North America, the Caribbean, and Europe, as a guitar and music theory teacher, and as a leader of music education projects, such as his recent music program for orphaned Roma children at the Broumov Foster Care Facility. In addition, Paul teaches English and works as a translator from Czech and French into English. Paul speaks Czech and English at a native speaker level and speaks fluent French.
Offered School Concerts and Workshops
All programs are available either in Czech or in English.
Jazz, Blues, Improvisation
Gypsy Music
Christmas Concert
Panorama of Ethnic Music
Jazz, Blues, Improvisation
The concert presents the diverse styles of jazz, blues, and the American music culture as such. Explanation is provided of the structure and form of blues and the principles of jazz improvisation. A well-known folk or pop song is played in different ways to demonstrate the individual styles and rhythms of jazz. Students are encouraged to take part in composing simple blues lyrics, a certain form of improvisation, rhythmic accompaniment, or singing and dancing. The program can be customized or focused on specific topics based on the needs of the school and its students, their age, and ability to participate.
The program is adapted to correspond to the Framework Education Program (RVP), including the following items:
5.6.1. Music
- react to music by moving and perform it adequately … use movement in connection with music to express ideas and feelings
- single out principal musical features from music being played, identify the musical means of expression used in the composition
- orient himself/herself in the development of the art of music … identify musical styles by their characteristic musical features, describe the conditions and background of the origin of a musical composition on the basis of historical, social and cultural contexts
- identify music by its classification according to style
- realize the role of the music industry in the modern world
- origins and development of music … the classification of music development into periods … characteristic musical features of individual styles, overlaps, syntheses, seeking new paths in music
- styles and genres of music, function of music … music as a cultural asset and as goods
- improvisation of a simple vocal composition
- dance as a means of communication
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Format: Guitar (vocal), double bass, vocalist or another instrument (such as saxophone)
Guitar/vocal, double bass
Solo guitar/vocal (smaller audience, workshop)
Gypsy Music
The program is built around music examples illustrating the history of the Roma culture, the origin of the Roma ethnic group as a tribe of nomadic artists in India, their arrival and settlement in individual European countries, and the formation of specific local cultures. An explanation is provided for the concept of "duende", the spirit of Gypsy music consisting of an inherent ability to convey emotions through music. The concert features Flamenco music from Spain, Gypsy Jazz from France, traditional Gypsy songs from Czechia and Slovakia, czardas, and contemporary Gypsy pop. Students participate in the program by signing, playing rhythms, and dancing, based on their ability.
The program is adapted to correspond to the Framework Education Program (RVP), including the following items:
5.4 Man and Society
- understanding the contributions of various cultures to civilization in the context of wider social conditions; using tolerant approaches towards minority groups in society
5.6 Arts and Culture
- participating actively in the formation of an accommodating and stimulating atmosphere (based on understanding, tolerance, but also criticism) … to be able to learn and understand cultural values, manifestations and needs of miscellaneous social groups, ethnic groups and nations and participating in the formation of a positive relation to the cultural riches of the past as well as the present
6.3 Multicultural Education
- reinforce the ability to participate in multicultural activities
- perceive multiculturalism as a means of the mutual enrichment of various ethnic groups
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Format: Guitar, double bass, vocal
Solo guitar/vocal (smaller audience, workshop)